pictures from Amarillo.
All the following pictures were taken on our Land.
May 2013
Poppies out on our land. Plus many purple salsify.
Funnel Web Spiders Web, show up more when there is Dew in the morning..
April 2013 Another good showing this year. He keeps putting in an appearance now it is warmer, luckily not been spotted by the dogs yet! Just a nice view outside our land. Here is our latest ´Resident¨Goldfinch Mum dutifully sitting on nest despite being in the almond tree nearest to our terrace and only a few feet away from Human company!!
May 2012 As well as growing an array of Red poppies on the land, occasionally a Purple one pops up!! Shelaghs favourite.. |
February 2012. After a fairly cold spell that held back the almond blossom all is now back to normal & the lovely blossom is now coming out in force!
20th October 2011. Dogs going mad under one of the Olive trees, looking up could just make out this Red Squirrel keeping high & safe!! 19th October 2011. Not a great picture, but Mr Toad here wandered across the terrace 2 nights running (he wasn´t running!!) 12th October 2011, Still no Little Owl, but just taken this of a harmless Mrs Spìder...
We are still waiting to get a picture of a cute ´Little Owl´ seen locally they are only 8" tall - in the meantime this little fella has landed from somewhere!! Shelagh particularly likes this one - Scarce Swallowtail Butterfly - taken near the edge of the pool. July 2011. This Impressive fella was lurking in the bushes & had to fend off 5 barking dogs!! It is the largest snake yet to come on our land. Montpellier snake,
Malpolon monspessulanus
Deeee licious Plums... Stonecrop.
Getting Bigger - see 3 pics below.. Parent Bird HITCHCOCK!!!!!! The Birds are coming in!!! Interlopers in our yellow Plum tree!!
This lizard was basking on our terrace. Surprisingly it didn´t move when approached & stayed around for ´cuddles´ before being left on the stone above!
Common Blue Butterfly
Hottentot Fig - known as Torrevieja Weed!
Olive Blossom
Olive Blossom being Pollenated.
Almond Tree
Almond Blossom
Mini Toad!!